Hey Google, What's "Corona Beer Virus"?

With the recent coronavirus outbreak people around the world have questions, then go to their most trusted search engine with unlimited human knowledge: Google. However, it seems that they have misheard the name of the virus. They seem to think that the virus is somehow related to a certain beer brand, Corona. Google searches for “beer virus” and “beer coronavirus” have spiked globally this past week. And just in case you haven’t kept up with the latest news: no, the coronavirus and Corona beer are not related, nor does Corona beer give you the coronavirus. Just saved you from being another statistic. You’re welcome.
Within the US, these weird Google searches usually come from Nevada, Arizona, and Connecticut. Portugal, Poland, and Cambodia are the highest ones outside the US to search these keywords. The increase in the “corona beer” searches began in January 20th, which is when the virus began to be known worldwide. According to USA Today, 52 percent of people who searched for one of those terms searched for “beer virus,” while the other 43 percent searched for “corona beer virus.” I think it’s important to educate people when it comes to being aware of the diseases they may come in contact with. Given that the coronavirus has been present in 16 countries, people should be taking precaution when interacting with other people. Stay safe out there, and remember: Corona beer had nothing to do with it.