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Steven Erquiza

Accounts and Device Security.

Viruses or unwanted hackers in our devices are something we all hope to avoid. Still, the truth is that we can't avoid it forever. Some of us are the victims of computer viruses. Viruses can infect your devices with malware. This allows hackers to steal your personal information, delete your files, and slow down your computer or cause it to stop working altogether. If you follow these ways, you'll have a better chance of avoiding it.

Install An Antivirus Program

To avoid getting a virus on your devices from the internet, you should install and run antivirus software. Cyberthreats have evolved. Activities like online banking, shopping, and browsing can make you vulnerable to cyberthreats.

Viruses are a significant cyber threat, which is why it's smart to keep your devices protected against them. Reputable security software can help protect you against these threats.

Install Anti Spyware

Many of these programs are free and prevent viruses from doing any damage to your computer. They require continuous running and updating, but when used correctly, they serve their purpose.

Avoid Suspicious Websites

There are many websites out there, and not all of them have the best intentions. The bad ones that are a threat will use various tools. They will download a virus to your computer, like drive-by downloads, hosting malicious advertisements, and getting you to click on misleading links.

Don't click on links to websites with sketchy names, such as mix of letters and numbers that don't look like words. Also, be on the lookout for websites that share trusted brands' names, but have a variation within the URL. If there are extra symbols in the URL, it's likely a fake website. Often, websites will tell you if you are about to enter a website that will try to install or run a program on your computer but not always. Avoid these websites.

Set Up Automatic Scans

Setting up scans to run on your computer daily or weekly is a good idea to eliminate any viruses. This keeps your computer updated and clear of issues.

Avoid Pirated Software

I know it's tempting to get a free copy of stuff like games, movies, or applications that everyone else has to pay for. But if you download a cracked or illegal version of the software, your computer or mobile device could be at risk. Be cautious when downloading anything for free. If you download pirated files (which is not recommended) make sure you're using antivirus software.


Update your system, browser, and essential apps always, take advantage of automatic updating when it's available. These updates can get rid of software flaws that will allow hackers to see your activity or steal your information.

Install Firewall

A firewall is a software program or piece of hardware that prevents hackers from entering and using your computer. Hackers search the internet, and they send out pings to computers and wait for responses. Firewalls prevent your computer from allowing these random pings to get through. A firewall blocks communications to and from sources you don't permit. This is especially important if you have a high-speed internet connection, like DSL or cable.

Some operating systems have built-in firewalls, so be sure to turn your firewall on. Your firewall must be set up correctly and updated always.

Backup Your Computer

This may not help you avoid getting a virus on your devices from the internet, but it will help you avoid some of the damage with it if you do.

By always using a cloud backup, you can keep copies of all your essential files in your cloud that won't be contaminated by the virus.

Suppose you become a victim of a computer virus that's hard to eliminate without damaging your files. In that case, you can simply wipe your device and restore it to the most recent point before it was infected.

Use Strong Passwords

Use complex passwords and strong methods of authentication that can help keep your information secure. Protect your accounts and devices from intruders by choosing passwords that are hard to guess. Use passwords that have at least eight characters, a combination of letters, numbers and special symbols. Don't use a word that can be found in any reference to your personal information, such as a birthday. Try using a phrase to help you remember your password. Have different passwords for different accounts.


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