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Be Careful for this New Holiday!

A new poll study from Ohio State University has found that 38 percent of

Americans say they are likely to participate in gatherings of more than ten

family members this holiday season. A third would not ask others to wear

masks at holiday gatherings. The findings, which come as the US is

experiencing its third and most widely spread wave of coronavirus infections.

It suggests that millions of Americans may end up ignoring suggestions from

public health experts on how to minimize their risk of transmitting Covid-19

during the upcoming holiday season. The national survey, which took

responses from over 2,000 people, found that while most people do expect to

take some reduction measures as they celebrate during the holidays, a

significant percentage are disinclined to. For instance, 27 percent of

respondents indicated that they would not practice social distancing during

holiday gatherings, the survey found. We will look back at what happened

during this holiday season and ask ourselves, Were we part of the solution, or

are we part of the problem?’

When you are gathered together around the table, engaged in conversation,

sitting less than six feet apart with your masks down, even in a small group,

that is when the spread of this virus can really happen. Stopping the

coronavirus spread is a matter of pressing concern for public health officials in

the United States. Daily confirmed cases recently topped 180,000.

Hospitalization records are being broken, leading to concerns that hospitals in

many states will soon be overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients. Moreover,

deaths are rising as well, averaging more than 1,000 per day in the past week.

Experts have been warning for months that unless government officials took

drastic action and people began to limit their indoor interactions with others,

the fall and winter would see high case numbers. In early October, when case

numbers were still below 50,000 per day. By going into this prediction, The

next number in the fall will likely shoot way up next month since people are

not taking social distancing seriously. Back then, it was predicted the daily

case numbers would rise above the summer's record, going "well beyond

65,000, 70,000. Unfortunately, this prediction would be proven right. Anthony

Fauci, a member of the federal coronavirus task force, has recommended

wearing during holiday gatherings and cautioned against large gatherings to

help limit the further spread. Mainly if they involve people coming from regions

where there are high rates of coronavirus infections, he is basically saying that

if You get one person who's asymptomatic and infected, then four or five

people suddenly in that gathering are infected. In my opinion, that is the exact

scenario that you are going to see on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Numerous

factors can affect the risk of spread at gatherings like Thanksgiving, for

example, whether the celebrations are conducted indoors or outdoors, where

there is more excellent air circulation. Another factor to consider is whether

food will be served or if guests would be willing to skip the refreshments to

keep their masks on. Experts say that creativity is essential for making

important decisions on minimizing risk as infection rates surge across the

country. One way that we can adapt is to have some flexibility around our

traditions and rituals that are important in our lives.


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