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Gap Year and Programs

For a long time, many students are told that they have to go to college in order to get a better job. Even though it is true, not everybody needs to go to college if they don’t want to. It will be tough for them, but as long as they know their resources, their goals, and if they know their plans, anything is possible. But this blog isn’t about students who don’t want to go to college.

This blog is about what a gap year is. A gap year is when a high school student can take a break after graduating high school and before college. It can last a year or a semester. But I believe that it can also be when college students need a break from going to school.

The pros about taking a gap year are that you get to pick the best or the perfect fit for your interests. You get to find the goals that you want to do related to your job or in life. You can relax from going to school. You get to meet new people from the programs. You get to make new memories from the adventures. You get to focus on yourself.

The cons about taking a gap year are that people will assume you are dropping out, and it can ruin your belief system of taking an actual break. Another problem is that your timing of taking a break can affect your learning if you work all the time and do not take a break. The reason why is that many people don’t go back to college since they are so used to paying the bills and realize that they can make more money than going to college.

When researching for Gap Year programs, there are some questions that you must think about before applying. Here are some questions that may help your decisions: How much does it pay? Is it residential? How long does it last? Do you travel, and where to? What is the mission of the program? What’s the social scene? And Which aspects do and don’t appeal to you and why? Of course, there are more and better questions, but you can honestly look at the programs’ websites and see what they have to offer. You can also call them if you want a better chance of understanding and to get your questions answered right away.

Now that you know what a gap year is and what questions can help you choose the gap year you want. Here are some Gap Year programs that you can apply to. Do you want to improve your Spanish and learn the culture of Spain, well Centro MundoLengua: Gap Year in Sevilla, Spain is good for you. You get to travel around Spain and get to help out local communities. The next is Raleigh International, which is located in Costa Rica and Nepal, and you get to work on water sanitation. You get to build your leadership skills, better connections to continue helping volunteering in other countries. The final gap year that I recommend is The Intern Group. It focuses on your career choice, like some can do engineering, some want to do media, some want to do climate change, or some want to do other things. Either way, depending on your career choice, you will be going to certain countries and work at your career choice. Once you are there, this program will connect you with companies and work there.

The goal in college is to get the degree that will help you get to your career choice. It never said anything about how you will get it or how long it will take to get it. As long as you know what you need, then that degree can wait a little bit longer. For those who are young, you have your whole life to get that degree.


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