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Steven Erquiza

M&B III Bannerlord Review

Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord is a strategy action role-playing video game developed and published by TaleWorlds Entertainment. It is a prequel to the 2010 game "Mount & Blade: Warband," and before that 2008 game "Mount & Blade." It is currently in early access; it was released on March 30, 2020. It's been a year and a half, the full release is yet to come out. They plan the full release in late 2021, but most players speculate it might be early 2022. That said, some players decided to venture into early access, while others have decided to wait for the full release. With early access, the game is still in constant fixes and patches. There are still bugs and problems they need to fix, but early access helps the game producers get opinions from the players.

The game has a lot of new features. For example:

  • Being able to marry you and your family. Also, being able to have your own children. Which creates an exciting way of forming alliances in kings and lords in the game. It allows you to build a legacy for your clan/family.

  • Allows you to create a caravan that generates money by trading goods in different towns.

  • You create an army for a chosen family member. This was in the old game, but some new features like taking your family members' troops or picking what troops go in their army.

  • Being able to have good relations with the villages is much easier. In this game, there are more missions that allow you to quickly gain good relations with villages, towns, and lords. Which makes recruiting in villages better because you can recruit more. Also, proposing a particular action with a lord is much easier, especially if you have excellent relations with them.

  • The siege fights are more realistic. Now they offer siege machines and multiple ways for entry in the castles.

  • The skills points are better; it gives you a much better chance to fully lvl up your character.

  • The battle's graphics are so much better. It feels more realistic when you fight in an open ground, forest, or siege battle. It also gives you the ability to create your own weapons.

I have been playing this game for 3 months, and I love every second of it. There are some bugs in the game, but it's not as bad as last year. It gives you that fantasy of living in the medieval era. Being able to create a character that you can decide what path you want to take. You want to be an honorable warrior, a great ruler, or a dishonorable warrior who raids and kills innocent villagers. So many paths you can take; it gives you the freedom of being whatever you want in the medieval world they built.


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