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What does perfect skin look like to you

What does perfect skin look like to you? Is it acne free? Clear glass skins that you see in Korean beauty? Or the skin that makes you feel 10x times younger? Perfect skin is just being at a point where you don’t have to feel self-conscious about people looking at you in my opinion. I don't really like to be judged on how I look and what on my face. I already like zits that can align the stars and make a constellation with it. I guess it's basically low maintenance or healthy skin. Everybody has a different opinion on a perfect skin so it will depend a lot on other people. Every couple of years, there's a magical cure- all beauty ingredient to give you amazing clear glowing skin right now those ingredients are acids, Acids to erase wrinkles to smooth your skin, to tighten your skin, to rid your skin of pimples, to make your skin look like glass but with a bunch of acids to choose from how are you supposed to know which ones wont leave your face looking like beef carpaccio?

For exfoliation, there's Paula's choice that costs 38 dollars that is Hyaluronic Acid. It's for hydration, something for brightening, there's one that refines skin appearance of pore size, skin texture and fine lines. Just trying to use them is complicated enough, trying to use them there's literally no guide for anything. It's very difficult because I have no idea If i can put on vitamin C after doing a complete acid peel. Like, Is that allowed? Who do I contact? I mean I read the forums. Overwhelmed yet? I know I am.

I went to a dermatologist's office to get some answers. Some chemical peels and skin care are pretty much synonymous. A peel is a procedure, so it's the notion of taking off or peeling a layer of the skin, but the acid is the actual tool we use. Over-the-counter markets are different and weaker than the ones that we use in the office for medical procedures. The popular at-home acids are alpha hydroxy, beta hydroxy, and for the sensitive skin folks, polyhydroxy. AHAs like glycolic and lactic acid exfoliate the skin on its surface removing layers of dead cells and reducing the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, and dark spots. BHAs or salicylic acid can go beneath the skin surface to clean out excess oil and have anti-inflammatory properties. Basically good for those who are more acne prone.

PHAs are gentler acids used for exfoliation. They also attract water molecules which then moisture your skin, There are other attract water molecules which then moisturize your skin. There are other stronger acids like trichloroacetic acid, but they're considered too dangerous for at-home products and are only supposed to be used by licensed professionals. Depending on your skin, how much acid you use, and the time it's left on, the side effects can be less appealing. If you use peels too much, whether it's at home or in the office, it is not safe. Excessive use of peels will weaken your skin.

it's gonna slowly peel off the top layer and give yourself a chemical burn. The FDA is the cosmetic realm likes to put a limit 10%. Having Said that, you go to any website and you're gonna be able to find percentages that are higher. Again, if you're just starting out at this stick to a product that's around 10%. Good skincare routines start with prevention and protection. The number one rule is to wear sunscreen. Like, Everyday. Although some people will see the benefits in using acids. it's Azelaic acid, the first skin acid that I've actually tried in my skin and because i'm getting good results with it, i'm not so keen on switching up my routines. Well probably always be fixated on how we present our faces to the world, but if we aren't careful with the products we use, we risk our choices coming back to burn us in the end.


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